Saturday, January 1, 2011

Week 5

So here I am at week five, just marking time while my arm heals.
I can actually use my L hand for the shift key when typing now (and for the first 6 letters). I can even lift my arm up to the keypad by itself, but it can only rest on its wrist - I cant hold it up to type yet.
I have no idea how long it will take to be able to cut up meat, do up my own bra, or be able to shave under my R arm.
Almost all other things I have worked out how to do one armed (I actually do have "2 hands" just the L arm doesn't work)
I still wear my brace at all times, apart from showering, but wear my sling (collar and cuff) only when i am up and about doing things (cooking. washing and now even housework)
I can use my hand to carry things now, more weight when in the sling, but even without it I can manage something light.
I am trying to do a little more each day, letting pain be my guide. I am hoping by the time i go to fracture clinic in 2 weeks I will be able to drive again. (I am working on getting my arm up to steering wheel height in 2 weeks)

I do have lots to be grateful for, this will all be over in a few months, and it could have been alot worse.
  • It could have been my R arm, or I could have smashed my head!
  • It happened on the first day of school holidays so I didn't have to worry about how to get my daughter to the school bus
  • My work colleague lives in the same street as me - so work's been easy to get to
  • It happened near Christmas, when my children's horse sports all stop for 2 months (in fact this was the Pony Clubs break up ice skating party when it happened)
  • I have read lots of books and allowed myself more down time than ever before
  • the Public Hospital system has worked well so far, apart from a bit of waiting around (always have a good book on hand)


  1. Hi Marie, I found your blog through and just wanted to thank you for taking the time to do this blog. My boyfriend slipped on an icy pavement on Christmas Eve and broke his left humerus - blogs like yours have been so reassuring and helpful as it's nice to know what he can expect and that he is not alone in having to sleep sitting up etc!

    I really hope your recovery continues well and thanks again for the blog :)
    Claire x

  2. Hi I have broken my right humerous 2 and half weeks ago and this blog really keeps my moral up.
    I stay alone here & my family is far so they cant be with me.

  3. Your blog has been very useful to me. I broke my humerus on March 12 and the doctor is still waiting to see if the bone will align and begin healing on its own. He has scheduled surgery for April 20 if it hasn't started healing.

  4. Know this is an old blog, but still wanted to thank you for it. I'm three weeks into this and my experiences have been practically identical to yours so far. Reading about your experiences have helped me tremendously. Thanks! M

  5. Dear Marie,
    I realise your fracture happend some years ago, I hope you're doing fine. Your blog is very helpfull to me. I broke my right humerus 4 weeks ago and I was searching on the internet for more information, about what to expect, since the Dr. was rather vague about the recovery expectations and duration. I live in the Netherlands, I'm Dutch, and I couldn't find a lot in Dutch, so I figured I probably will have more hits searching in English.
    And then, jackpot!! I stumbled on your x-Rays and they look exactly like mine. Although it's my right arm instead of my left and I'm right handed....
    The good thing is, I'm pretty handy with my left hand but you often need both hands. Try to open a jar for example!
    Anyway, I would like to thank you Big Time! for blogging your experiences. Very helpfull and also reassuring. Make me realize even more that listening to your own body, to figure out what you can or can't do, is the best thing to do. The docters simply don't know everything. And good idea to find your own physio!
    Many thanks Marie!

    All the best from the Netherlands!
