Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1

I woke around 5am in terrible pain. The slightest movement of my upper body was horribly painful. Hubby got up and brought me some more "Endone" and after 30mins he had to push me up out of bed. Nobody had told me you can't lie down with a fractured humerus!!! (5 weeks later I still struggle getting out of bed.)
Once I was upright, and gravity had a chance to pull things into place I was so much more comfortable.
I spent lots of time the first day surfing the Internet, trying to find out what was in store for me.
I had to learn to do everything one handed, dressing, going to the loo, typing. Thank god i am right handed! I was only able to wear big baggy t shirts that fitted over the whole cast. I didn't need any more Endone, but took regular Panadiene forte all day. The slightest movement of the arm was extremely painful, so I alternated between the recliner chair and the computer.
In fact - that's pretty much where i spent the next 5 days!! No more attempts to lie down in bed , I could sleep reasonably well in the recliner each night. The panadiene forte was OK for pain relief, and after a few days I was only on panadol during the day, with p/f at night.
I did spend some hours on the phone to private orthopedic doctors, but with Christmas coming up, no-one could fit me in till the New Year! So the famous Qld Public Hospital system was my only choice. (tho my local GP has told me since that he would have rung around and squeezed me in with someone if I had told him I was stuck)
One of the things I found very disconcerting was that my arm was totally "disconnected". If I moved my shoulder, my head imagined my arm moving, but it stayed still. I had absolutely NO movement of my lower arm - up, down, sideways - nothing. My wrist/hand worked, so no radial palsy, but numbness all down my forearm and thumb and 1st finger. My forearm just hung around like a stroke victim!


  1. (One of the things I found very disconcerting was that my arm was totally "disconnected")

    I'm on day 4 of a butterfly fracture of L Humerous. I can't express how 'spot on' this description is! Thank you so much for your blog!

  2. (One of the things I found very disconcerting was that my arm was totally "disconnected")

    I'm on day 4 of a butterfly fracture of L Humerous. I can't express how 'spot on' this description is! Thank you so much for your blog!

  3. Just into my sixth week with the same type of brake. Mine in my right arm and I am right handed. No-one tells you what is happening or going to happen. I'm still sleeping on the sofa, I wake feeling totally exhausted. Wish I had found your blog 5 weeks ago!
