Saturday, January 1, 2011

week 1

Clam shell brace

My first visit to fracture clinic, hoping I would finally get some answers to "what happens next".
Good old Public hospital system, wait in line, take a number, wait some more, go to xray, wait some more, see a Dr. Everyone was very lovely, but Wow, did i feel like "fractured humerus" not a person.
Eventually they took off the cast and put on a nice "clam shell brace". So much more comfortable, but very scary putting the "sock" on, because every tiny movement was painful.
But no words of encouragement for me...
Told it will take up to 3 months to heal! No driving for all that time. My 2 bone ends were 7.7mm apart which was why they felt it would take so long! Come back in another week, and we will check up on it!
I actually went back to work in that week as I essentially have a desk job when not driving around seeing clients - got lifts to and from work with my colleagues, just had to try to speed up my one handed typing. Needed extra panadol to be at work, instead of in my recliner, but  the pain settled quite a bit.

1 comment:

  1. That's so pertinent that you say you felt like a 'fractured humerous', and not a person. I'm going to remember that. I've worked in a fracture clinic and I can see how it's so easy for doctors to get caught up in the injury and forget that there's a person attached to the arm.
    7.7 mm hey! Far out!
